Electronic Sworn Translation

What’s an electronic sworn translation?

An electronic sworn translation is a translation created only in electronic version. It bears the time stamp and e-signature of the translator based on a qualified certificate. The validity of the signature can be verified upon opening the e-translation in the corresponding software.

How does it work?

I can provide you with an electronic sworn translation for use in Spain or in the Czech Republic. Just like with the usual printed translations, the translation must be attached to the original document in electronic format. The difference is that this translation cannot be stamped and signed physically and therefore, it bears the time stamp and e-signature. The translation is delivered in the format PDF/A and should be always used in this format (meaning you should send it to the authorities electronically). This is because the translator’s signature can be verified only in electronic form upon opening the file in a software for reading the PDF format (such as Acrobat Reader).

My electronic sworn translations also bear my name, date and time of the signature even when you print them, however, the verification of the signature works always in the e-format. The undisputed advantage of the electronic translation is the much shorter delivery time compared to regular mailing services.

Do you have any question?

Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding the translation process or the services I provide.